Cupping uses negative pressure created by heat allowing a cup to suction to the skin. Cups can be made out of glass, ceramic, plastic and bamboo. The suction penetrates up to five inches into the body. It loosens and lifts connective tissues. Cupping warms the body, promotes increased circulation and detoxification of tissues by bringing old stuck blood and lymph fluid to the surface to be removed by the body’s natural waste elimination processes.
Cupping is used to treat pain, relieve inflammation, sedate the nervous system, break up and expel congestion, stretches muscle and connective tissues, loosens adhesions, moves stagnation and drains fluids. It provides deep tissue work and release without discomfort.
Tui Na Adjunctive Therapy $75 - Sessions will be a maximum of 30 minutes
Tui Na (pronounced “twee-nah”) is body work that literally translates as push (Tui), and squeeze or pull (Na). This modality is most beneficial in acute and chronic pain relief by focusing on specific areas. Using joint rotation, stretches, gliding, heat, tapping, friction, shaking, kneading, pressing, rubbing, acupressure point stimulation and other physical methods, Tui Na application directly affects the flow of qi (energy) in different meridians and muscles by removing blockages and promoting healing.
Reiki $300 - Session are approximately 1-1.5 hours
Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that a Reiki Practitioner performs for a client in person or remotely from another location. In a Reiki session the client's reason for coming is discussed so the practitioner has an idea of how they can help and how the information that is obtained from the session relates to the client. Reiki is performed with clothing on, and shoes removed. First the client is face up and Chakras are evaluated then balanced. The front side hand positions are placed on the body and then the client rolls over with their back up and the Chakras are evaluated and balanced from this side and the back hand positions are placed on the client. The client then rolls face up again and the aura is cleared, smoothed and sealed. Water will be given,
and then a short-session experience will be discussed.
BEMER Energy Therapy

BEMER stands for Bio Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation. The frequency emitted is similar to the electro-magnetic energy of the Earth. This frequency opens up the capillaries of the body increasing the circulation of blood through the body for 12 hours. Increased circulation moves white blood cells around the body supporting immune function and detoxification of the body. According to Chinese Medicine, all disease is caused by undetected circulation issues in the body. The BEMER increases the circulation of blood and energy in the body so it can heal and perform optimally.
Moxibustion – Moxa Balm Adjunctive Therapy $75 - Sessions will be a maximum of 30 minutes
A Chinese Medicine technique that involves burning the herb Mugwort in order to warm coldness. Meaning that it has the energetic properties that warm the body which moves stuck energy and builds the internal heat needed to digest food and protect the body from cold pathogens like virus and bacteria or muscle cramping and pain. The energy of cold is contracting, causing it to lock in a virus or contract muscles. There are many ways to use Moxa. Externally and internally; stick Moxa, needle Moxa, indirect Moxa, smokeless and balm. A stick of Moxa is burned, and the warmth is then painted over the skin of the desired area of treatment (usually acupuncture points or channels). Needle Moxa is sometimes performed where Moxa is applied to the tops of needles and lit. Indirect Moxa is another option where the Moxa is placed on a piece of herb which is then placed on the skin and lit. Moxa balm can be used in combination with a heat lamp in order to avoid the danger and smoke from burning Moxa in settings where smoke is prohibited or for those sensitive to the smoke.
Auricular and Ear Seeds Adjunctive Therapy $75 Sessions will be a maximum of 30 minutes

Auricular therapy uses the microsystem of the ear to access the entire body. Body parts and/or systems of the body are stimulated to promote their healing and optimal function. Specific points on the ear are either needled for treatment, like the NADA National Acupuncture Detoxification Association protocol and ear seeds applied to offer continued support for the treatment or as a needless form of treatment. Seeds are left in the ear for 2-3 days. Seeds can be made of stainless steel, gold plated stainless steel or Vaccaria seeds.
Herbal Remedy Consultation $75 Sessions will be a maximum of 30 minutes
Used in Chinese Medicine to support the Acupuncture treatment and a treatment plan. Often referred to as internal medicine. Herbs can be used internally and externally to support treatment or as a form of treatment on their own. Topical herbal patches or lineaments are used for pain and as a safe way to add support without ingestion if a patient is on a lot of medication. Patients currently taking several medications are less likely to have herbal formulas in their treatment plan in order to avoid any complications. Patent herbal formulas that are in tablet or capsule form are mostly used because they are easier for patients to comply with. There is no preparation needed and they travel easily.